Sunday, October 12, 2008

4 weeks left blah!

Okay so I know that the last weeks of pregnancy are the worst, but I feel yucky! I hope he comes early rather than late. I am way bigger and more uncomfortable with this one than I was with Tristan. My midwife says that I am measuring on the big side of normal. I just feel huge!


Ruth said...

Wow your due date is getting so close! I'm so excited for you! I can definitely sympathize with your feeling huge and uncomfortable!! Thank you for the advice about what to bring to the hospital - I hadn't thought of those things (chapstick and warm socks) but I'm sure I will need them! Aren't you so excited for Jessica??!! :)

Cait said...

two little boys! Who would have thought! :) I always thought you would have little girls, but perhaps thats what the next will be.